What the hell is a nanobrewery?

The terms “microbrewery” and “craft beer” are common terms used to to differentiate large commercial breweries from the smaller independent breweries that were popping up and brewing a wide variety of beer – melding traditional styles with innovative approaches and new ingredients. Since then, the "craft beer" industry has grown significantly since those days, giving brewmasters creative license to design interesting (and fantastic) beer. “Microbreweries” and "craft breweries" are places where you can expect a wide variety of styles and flavours and, when done well, a high-quality product. And we are technically both a "microbrewery" (under provincial law) and a "craft brewery" (as a proud member of the Saskatchewan Craft Brewers Association).

But, if you ask us, we consider ourselves a nanobrewery. 9 Mile Legacy started as a very small brewery (about a 1/10 the size of a typical “microbrewery”) and has since grown into a less small brewery (still a 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the industry standard in SK). Yes, we are much smaller than a microbrewery, and that is one way to look at it. But the "nano" concept means so much more to us - the ability to innovate, take risks and push boundaries, to hone our craft through practice and attention to detail and to make do with less.

Stay in the loop by following us on Twitter and Instagram and give us a like on Facebook, all found @9MileLegacy.

How do you make beer?

Beer is made by extracting sugar from malted barley by “mashing” it in hot water, boiling that sugar water (called “wort”) with a variety of hops, to produce distinctive flavours and aromas. We then cool down the boiled wort to room temperature and add our yeastie friends, which converts the sugar in the wort into alcohol and does a bunch of other neat stuff.

If you are interested in learning more about the brewing process, contact us to inquire about a brewery tour. We host groups of all sizes.

What kind of beer do you make?

We have always liked to make a wide variety of beer, from traditional pale ales to West Coast IPAs to oatmeal stouts to beer that pushes the boundaries of what people commonly think of as "beer". When you walk into our taproom, you will always find a spectrum of beer styles that we take pride in serving. We like a lot of different beer styles and we like pushing boundaries - it's one reason why we started so small (another reason is that we had to fit the equipment in the building!).

You can check out what's on for crowler fills by checking out our Now Pouring section. In terms of bottled beer, we regularly have 9 Mile Ale, OC Collab, Angus Stout, Ella Pale and Straight Cut Sour in stock!

Where do you get your supplies?

Barley is easy in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan grows the best malting barley in the world so it’s a no-brainer that we get ours from the province we call home. We have been proud to work with Priarie Malt in Biggar, SK and we are excited for the rise of new SK maltsters like Maker's Malt in Rosthern.

As farm kids, we are proud to see barley grown here, be malted here, turn into beer here and be drank here. It's the circle of life, Saskatchewan-style.

Hops are tougher but a lot more fun. Hops are like grapes – they are heavily influenced by “terroir”. English hops (earthy) are different from German noble hops (floral, spicy) are different from west coast North American hops (citrus, pine) are different from Southern Hemisphere hops (tropical flavours, passion fruit). We source a wide variety of hops so that you can experience a wide variety of flavours.

What is your favourite beer?

For us, the beer we like to drink depends on the experience, the atmosphere and the company. Our Angus Stout is delightful in a snowstorm and the quaffable 9 Mile Ale is a refreshing respite from our hot prairie summers.

Our beer is like our children – its tough for us to play favourites. But, have fun, play around and try our beer in different ways and settings. We are confident you will develop your own favourites very soon.

Where are you located?

We are located at 402 21st Street West. We are transitioning from our Flagship Taproom to our new location that is dedicated to our brewing.

How can I enjoy your product?

We have been privileged to have several great accounts throughout Saskatoon. These have ranged from bars, restaurants, theatres and barbers. We are generally on tap where good beer is sold but check out our map to find us near you. We encourage you to seek out places where you have historically enjoyed 9 Mile Legacy beer and order some food from them. Many are still hustling through this disruption.

Why 9 Mile Legacy?

9 Mile Legacy is a story of our two families, neighbours that have weathered hard times and celebrated good times together for the better part of a century. We are called “9 Mile Legacy” because we aren't that original - we are simply carrying on generational tradition of working together. Click here for the full story.